Advent & Money: Money + Peace = ???

December has long been associated with the holiday season and one of the many shared traditions is that of Advent celebrated by most Christian denominations and perhaps celebrated by you in your home with or without religious connection. Advent calendars count the days down to Christmas by opening a door, drawer or box with a chocolate, small gift, a mini LEGO set or a beauty product. Advent is a time of anticipation, preparation and celebration culminating in the arrival or coming (the simple definition of the word advent) of Jesus.  Traditionally, advent is celebrated for the four Sundays that precede Christmas Day with each Sunday focusing on a different theme - Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. 

For this Advent Season I wish to reflect on these themes and their connection to money and our financial lives. May these reflections elicit their theme within you and well as prepare you for the end of this year and the next. 

Money + Peace = ???

Of the four themes of Advent, peace seems to be farthest from our minds and our feelings when it comes to money. 95% of Americans list money as their #1 anxiety - sort of the exact opposite of peace. One particular financial personality has made a name for himself selling a “financial peace” program. Yet, with all the advisors, websites, tools, books and programs we remain anxious about money despite living in one of the wealthiest nations.

It is this level of universal anxiety that causes me to want to take extra time to pause and reflect on this particular theme and see what we can learn together. 

Take some time to be still in this season. 

As people we are prone to what I call “outsourced peace.” What that means is that we are prone to locate our peace in something external to us. If a relationship is going well - I am at peace. If work is going well - I am at peace. If traffic is moving the way it should - I am at peace. If my money situation is good - I have peace. 

In doing this we have equated the absence of anxiety with peace rather than peace being the presence of something. This could be why my wife (award winning therapist) says that peace can be present while other emotions are present. This is because peace is within or “insourced.”

We can be at peace while external things around us might be upside down. 

We have this ability to choose peace. Yet, it can be quite the challenge as there are many things in this life that we can give power to and not hold on to peace. 

I am reminded of the Psalm that says “Be still and know that I am God.” Perhaps you’ve seen this on a wall hanging or a coffee mug. However, this verse was written as a rebuke and perhaps a better translation would be “Stop it!” Do not outsource to these other things what can be present in you. It takes us being still and it takes us noticing where we are placing our peace. 

Money is often a terrible place to put your peace yet it is so easy. 

Advent is a time to consider this. It is a time to consider the source of our peace. It is a time to be reminded of ultimate sources of peace. It is a time to prepare for something new. It is a time for our peace to be grounded in what is true and brought inward.

This season brings that power of peace more near for it is within you and has the power to transform.


Advent & Money: The Joy of Money!


Surprise! It’s Early Retirement!