Part 02: Introduction

Every social and ethical issue has two parts. The first part is 'how we got here' with examining the external landscape, circumstances and environment people were operating within. Part two arises from our instinct to seek out 'Who is responsible?'

Justice always looks for two things in order for things to be set right. First, is in order to condemn the situation or remove the instigator of injustice. Second, is the pursuit of restitution and fixing the issue. This two-fold approach to justice works well within particular cases of crimes or injustices where there can be particular victims and particular transgressors. As the situation becomes more general, like our situation, where the majority of Americans will end up living at or below the poverty level, it becomes more challenging to identify who is responsible.

There is always the challenge when looking at social structures. We are quick to see their failures. We want to point to their negative influence. Yet, we know we cannot write them off. There are no doubt countless stories of the ways the primary social structures have the potential to wreak the most havoc in the lives and social fabric of the world. This power is also theirs to wield in a manner that brings about the radical redemption of people and the world.

What I wish to explore is the role that Family, Education, Government, Religion and Corporations, what I refer to as “The 5,” has played and will play in the future of our financial situation.

For every family that has abuse in its history is the idea that family can launch the world changers we all need.

For every qualm with the education system is an educator that inspires and unleashes potential in a student.

For each scandal or abuse within the political realm, we see life altering laws put into effect that create more and more rights and liberties.

We witness the religious representatives engage in varied forms of spiritual misuse and abuse and see many find hope, freedom, community and life change found only within this sphere.

Corporate greed and scandal has plagued our news for decades and economic effects are widespread yet there is a growing social responsibility within corporations resulting in better wages, benefits, working conditions and more.

While these have left us on our own to figure out financial things, like retirement. Each is needed to achieve a better future outcome. We must return our social and economic structures back towards a financially sustainable future.

We will look at how each has a particular role in our system. There several key ways “The 5” have participated in our problem and backed away from individuals. Lastly, significant sacrifice and participation in the remedy will be needed from all 5 if we are to keep a generation and beyond from becoming The Future Poor.

