Part III: The New Future
What is at stake for us if we do not work for a new future? There will be a compounding stress on all of the systems that begins with individual well-being suffering. That initial stress will be on the family and government for support and resources. In order to gain those resources the economy and larger society is leaned on for more taxes, time and resources. With less available for education and corporations we see the continual contraction of the very things we require and that is the opposite of what will be beneficial.
As is the case with most change, it is an individual project that begins with you adapting to the new world and making decisions on your own well-being. It is also communal. We require The 5 and our efforts within those spheres of influence to make a new future. There will be some that rise above the current outlook, but a few individuals rising from the ashes does not carry the same moral consequence as working to lift us all.
To be passive on your own behalf would be to ensure a continued path to being the future poor. Likewise, not leveraging your role and influence within The 5, would ensure the world around you continues on its current trajectory. Neither of those is ideal and so I hope to inspire action and change that benefits us all.
There is much available to you as the individual to begin to put your own situation into a better direction. This may involve elements of financial knowledge and planning but is more about recognizing and adapting to the world you are currently in and evaluating if what you are doing fits the current age. Many of the old models were built by, built in and built for a previous generation - not for today.
Second, there is much advocacy we can all do within social structures. All of us have varying levels of involvement in The 5 and we cannot underestimate the influence we have. In most cases, your involvement is simple advocacy for those that you are closest to and care most about. In other cases, you will find yourself drawn to pursue more or greater levels of concern within your social spheres. All work towards remedying the future poor is good and welcomed!
In closing, the world we live in is dramatically different than the one where most of the financial advice we have been given (or not given) was birthed. We must be aware of this and we must be mindful to see if what we are doing makes sense. There is tremendous hope for us and this is simply the start of the journey towards a better destination than being the future poor.
Let’s make a new future!