Holiday Book Guide: Top 3 Money Books
It is the gift buying season and books are some of the best things to give and receive!
In addition to buying my book The Future Poor when it becomes available for pre-order soon, I want to give some recommendations!
These are my Top 3 Money Book recommendations.
The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
This is one of the few money books I recommend everyone read. It is less about a strategy to get rich and more about our actual relationship with money. Often this can be the most important thing with money than which account to open or thing to invest in. It will help and cause you to think about your relationship with money without the guilt and shame other financial folks lead with.
The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clasen
This one is a classic and one of the few “financial strategy” books I ever recommend. Most popular finance books are just a rip off of this book and not nearly as good as the original. It is done via narrative and pulls out timeless financial wisdom. It is also not prescriptive by saying put 15% here, 5% there, this account is better than this other one. No, this book speaks to a larger economic reality that is more general and universal that you can fit into your life rather than trying to make your life fit some else’s idea of a good financial plan.
This would be the worst audio book ever! The subtitle is “America in 100 charts” and is very compelling, educational and alarming at times. Galloway takes us on a journey about the shifting ethos in America and the financial impact it has had on us. It is unique in its perspective but more unique in the format. Somehow he has made 100 charts an enjoyable read (and this isn’t just because I love charts). Each chart is beautifully done and has a short explanation. In reading this book you will understand America much better and where you fit within the economic life of this country.
Up Next: Top 3 Books for the Entrepreneur.